Blogging and the Virtual Studio Tour

My futuristic, still-sort-of-new, studio table. At the time I took this pic it was the only clean spot in the studio...

My futuristic, still-sort-of-new, studio table. At the time I took this pic it was the only clean spot in the studio… one of the advantages of a virtual studio tour!

Today’s article on WordPress’s The Daily Post, “Who Is Your Reader”, got me thinking. Who am I writing for? Well, if you’re reading this, you, of course! You’re visiting my virtual studio, which is also a virtual gallery and a virtual classroom. I’ll probably refine this thought and write a whole static page about it (just discovered how to make a menu at the top, shoo-hoo!), but later. For now, here’s what I wrote in the comments for the article:

My blog is about my art; I see it as sort of a virtual studio, so I decided that in order to make it interesting I needed to address people as if they were visiting my studio. When I have an actual open studio, I show off both my finished art and art-in-progress, and talk a lot about technique. So my voice when I’m writing is pretty much talking to my imaginary studio visitors, who are people who can be interested in art in many different ways. Some are other artists, some are people who would like to try their hand at art, and some are just curious. I also do a “technique of the week” post, in which I imagine my readers are some of my students who would like to know a bit more about a particular subject.

I’d love to hear from people about what kind of things they’d like to see or learn about in my ongoing virtual studio tour — would you like to know how I achieve a particular effect in one painting, or want to know what kinds of pictures I made as a kid, or do you just wonder what I had for breakfast (OK, I might not answer that one, but then again, I might!). Please feel free to leave a comment anytime, on any of my posts! I’ll answer all of them, and you may give me an idea for an entire post!

14 responses to “Blogging and the Virtual Studio Tour

  1. I’ve only been following for a short time, but enjoy your art. Can you maybe give a lesson on drawing flowers? Thanks!


    • Thanks for providing the first idea (hopefully other people will add theirs too)! I’ll put that as first on the list for a demo — any particular medium you’re looking for? This may take a bit, as I’ll have to do some in-progress shots.


      • Medium.. Like a size? Ha! I like to joke like that… I would just like to be able to pencil/colored pencil on paper sketch. I’m looking to do a good representation of the plant, it doesn’t (nor ever will by my hand) have to look like a photo. I could use pointers like: where to start – bloom or overall plant, perspective in landscape – I usually draw a bed like I’m standing looking down at it… I know that’s a LOT to ask for in a post, but I’d really appreciate it =-)))


        • Thanks for the giggle — it’s like the one about the diminutive fortune teller — a small medium!

          Actually, all those specifics are helpful — one thing I do in my classes, during the personal attention time, is ask people specifically what their goals are in a particular painting. Coloured pencil would be a good way to demonstrate — It builds up slowly so will be easier to remember to stop and take photos! (not sure I’m ready to try the video demos yet, though I’d like to sometime) I’ve got some photos that I’ve been wanting to do some drawings from, so I’ll root them out and get started! This will probably take a couple of weeks, and I’ll post it as one of the Technique-of-the-week postings on a Saturday.


  2. Hi Karen, I’m looking forward to your workshop on Saturday. I’m fairly new to watercolor painting & am so enjoying it…. Learning & practiceing is a joyous time! I am very interested in landscapes & love the ones I’ve seen on this site.
    See you on Saturday!


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