Hourly Comic Day 2018

“Galactic Explorer” is a spin-off of The Quadra Cats I did for my first Hourly Comic Day. You can read about my experience in this blog post. It’s pretty quick-n-dirty because I was drawing really fast.

For those unfamiliar with The Quadra Cats, Explorer (also known as Alien Cat) came to Earth seeking Takeout, and met Tux and his friend Jazz (who didn’t want anything to do with watching humans all day and is off grooming herself somewhere). He has big plans for Takeout Planet, both as a source of exotic takeout for his Takeout Delivery service and a destination for his newly planned tourist business. That gadget attached to his collar is an iZap, combination camera, hypnotizing device, levitation device, defensive weapon, and who-knows-what-else. It is retractible except when in use.

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