Spam the Cat Becomes a Character Maquette (Part 1)

I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s mentoring session with Joan Steacy. We’re going to work on character maquettes all day, one of my favourite things to do. It doesn’t even seem like work, it’s so much fun! The one I’ll be working on is a full-body portrait in polymer clay of Spam the Cat, hero of an upcoming graphic novel written by Elizabeth Anne Scarborough and scripted and drawn by yours truly. Spam is a young, very fluffy, orange tabby, who is a kind of feline private eye who solves paranormal mysteries. This is the fourth Spam story, for which I did the covers and some interior illustrations, but it’s the first one to be put in graphic novel form.

Here’s what Spam looks like from the cover of “Father Christmas”:


And here’s the character sketch I’ve prepared for tomorrow’s sculpting — I’ll eventually paint this drawing when I need to map out his stripes, but I won’t do that until I get him finished and baked.


I’ll take some pictures tomorrow while I’m working on him, and post a little tutorial. In the meantime, here are some links to Facebook albums of a couple of other maquettes I made, with progress explanations.

3 responses to “Spam the Cat Becomes a Character Maquette (Part 1)

  1. Pingback: A Bit of Studio Drama — Spam the Maquette gets Surgery (part 3) | Karen Gillmore Art·

  2. Pingback: Character study — A Young Lady Sasquatch | Karen Gillmore Art·

  3. Pingback: Technique of the Week, or, finishing Spam the Cat (part 4) | Karen Gillmore Art·

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