The Evolution of Spam-the-Cat

Drawing-a-Day number 20

I’ve been pencilling comic pages all day, and itching to get my hands on some colour. This is drawn from one of the panels I penciled today (I traced the loose pencil drawing on the lightbox directly with the pen onto Stonehenge paper). Spammy is in the original pencil panel, but not the background — I improvised the rest so that he would have a place to be.

I’ve been mulling over how detailed to make his colouring; if I had to draw him as a realistic cat, I would be painting this story for the rest of my life! But I don’t want him to be too simple, either. So I’m going to do some character studies of Spam and his friends as part of my drawing-a-day thing to determine what the style will be. Hope you enjoy the development of Spammy and his friends!

Pigma micron pens and watercolour pencil

Pigma micron pens and watercolour pencil

(Spam is a character in several of Elizabeth Ann Scarborough‘s books. Check out her works at Gypsy Shadow Publishing Company; you can also find her works on Amazon)

7 responses to “The Evolution of Spam-the-Cat

  1. I’m looking forward to see more of Spam! I love him already as he is. Not drawing/painting in a realistic way and not be too simple – that’s the style I am looking for myself. So I will learn from you a lot, I think. i am so glad to have discovered your blog!


    • Thank you, Ulla! I feel like I am spiraling in upon my goal. You too — your work has a lovely graphic quality to it, and your colours are gorgeous!

      If you’d like more of Spam before I finish this graphic novel, do check out Annie’s books — they are available as e-books, so instant gratification there! The one to start with is Spam VS the Vampire.


  2. Pingback: Spam and the Sasquatch — Sneak preview! | Karen Gillmore Art·

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